Wednesday, January 20, 2010

another day of Grace

Hello again Dear Friend,

I'm so glad you have found your way to our Grace Thyme Cottage.

It's Wednesday! And I can feel it in my bones, it's gonna be a Grace day! So, don't worry about today. No frettin' allowed...not today! Jesus said He'll take our cares and burdens for today. And we can have His Joy. With a deal like that, I ask, Why not? Besides it's FREE.

from my kitchen window I can see the rainbow I just pegged online. Girly decorated clothes pegs + girly colored clean clothes + heavenly sunshine! ah now that's what I call sweet.

i am daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt, niece, friend, neighbor. my desires are the same as God. Need me. Want me. Love me. don't be ashamed of me. ALL He requires is what He gives plus some sweet extras along the day.
This was not: *smile*

Our 2 year old grandson is here while his mommie (my daughter) works at the seasonal restaurant by her grandparents. She is a waitress at The Cypress Grill. They do not have a website but the Smithsonian Magazine did a story on them. You can read about it Here.

The weather today is so nice, dry and warm. The ground is still very mucky. But what does that matter when above there is sunshine smiling down on us? We've had so much rain that these sunshiny days are pure treasure.

Thankfully this appears to be a day of home. We've no place to go. We've plenty of food to eat and clothes to wear. Sweet bliss is a day spent a home with those you know and love and those who know, love and accept you with all your little imperfections.

My Beloved has been listening to the Dave Ramsey Show. He recently bought the The Total Money Makeover book. He wants me to join him. No problem!

In 1996, I bought Amy Dacyczyn's book The Tightwad Gazette. Back then you had to buy them separately. And by February 1997, I had them all in hand with notebook, pen and calculator. We went away for a week and I started my lessons in thrift. I had been taught that if it was meant to be, it was up to me. Somehow they never included that it was God who gives us the strength to do these things. I was filled with much pride in what WE had done. Our meals were Southern gourmet with all natural organic ingredients. Our bank accounts were shining like little beckons to brighten our path. We did give along the way to those in need. But God had very little to do with any of it much, oh we did mention His name for we feared boasting out loud. But within I was very bloated with myself.

In 2008, we came to the end of ourselves. My health broke. Our bank account grew very dim. We still give, but we are thankful to have food, shelter, clothing, vehicles, cell phones and so much more left. And He still helps us to give to others. That's Grace!

God gives us so much. And we truly thank Him. However, I do think it is joyfully entertaining to be able to share what He gives. It thrills us to live below what He gives so that we may become a blessing to others. We are grateful. And do not wish to cast all of our God given blessings into the wind of cheap thrills, when His are oh so much better!

We know that being poor is nothing to be ashamed of. The poor are amongst the wealthiest in my humble opinion. But have money helps us to help others in ways we could never imagine.

This reminds me of a story I once read, do you have time for a little story?

The story was about a lady who took her children to a diner to eat. I was after noon and they had been so busy with errands and such that she had not noticed that they had not yet eaten until she saw the diner up ahead.

When they entered the diner, she noticed the only waitress was very pregnant.
Since the diner wasn't busy the lady began chatting with her waitress. Somehow as it goes with mothers, they began chatting of all the things one needs for babies. The waitress shyly shared that she was a little worried because she was due in a few weeks but had not managed to save enough for a reliable car seat. And without a car seat her hospital would not allow her to leave with her baby. She shared that her husband had taken on extra work, but the funds just didn't seem to want to grow as fast the little one due at anytime. She realized all that she had been saying to the lady and apologized for sharing her tales of woe.

As the family was leaving the diner, the lady left a nice little tip, more that her usual amount. And she felt good about helping the waitress and her husband. So, she was more than surprised when as clear as a bell she heard a small voice within herself tell her to go buy a car seat for the waitress. She reasoned that she might offend the waitress and her husband if she did. The waitress had admitted she was ashamed for telling the lady about their troubles. Soon the lady and her children were found in front of a large display of car seats in the department store just down the street.

She made her purchase and returned to the diner. She took the car seat in and upon seeing the car seat and the lady, the waitress was quite shocked at first. When she realized what the lady had done, she began to weep and apologize for not having the funds to pay her back. The lady said, "please don't thank me, it was all God's idea!"

I love that story and keep it tucked in my heart as I travel away from our little cottage.

May your day being filled with Beauty and The Light. And may Peace and Grace be yours all this lovely day.