Monday, January 11, 2010

Life Favors...

Hello dear friend,

On Saturday night we stopped by the Dollar Tree. I needed some packing tape to mail a package. We also went because a dear friend works there, and so we get to see her while we're there.

As we were arriving at the check-out my eyes caught sight of a book with a cover which just drew me in. I glanced at the title: The Art of Abundance. I immediately picked it up without any more information and added it to our purchases.

Boy! I am really glad I did! This is a book I would gladly recommend and would pay full price for. Yes, it is that delicious!

What she calls "The Art of Abundance" I refer to as "Life favors."

Some time ago as I was trying to understand what "God's Amazing Grace" was all about, even though I should have known as I grew up in a very religious community. Sadly, I didn't.

As I sat one day trying to wrap my mind around "Grace" suddenly an image came to mind. I was at a party, the theme was "Celebrating Life." I was invited. But at this party the party favors were given, by The HOST at the beginning rather than at the end. He gave a package He referred to as "Today." We were encouraged to open our packages right away, without one delay. OH! But I hesitated because surely this isn't meant for me, I am still surprised that I was invited. I feared they would discover their mistake and I would be asked to leave. I hid in the corner because of that fear, trying to be as silent and still as I could.

But He saw me and encouraged me to Come! Take Joy!

When I finally accepted that He meant all this Grace was for even me. I joyfully accepted the package and received so many wonderful gifts!

That package came with a beautiful box that looked like early morning. It was filled with all sorts of wonderful tokens of love, some big, some small.

My spirit jumped and thrilled at being given this His gift of Grace as I had done not one thing to deserve them. Truly, I did not deserve to be invited to the party, yet I was.

"Come! Take Rest! Enjoy!" was what the invitation said...for me? My thoughts were "Oh no, I must keep working to earn my place at The Glorious Wedding. These little parties are only for those deserving." Now I shudder as I recall that I almost missed the party because I was too busy working to stop and heed the invitation.

I recall those little, simple, almost missed gifts:

~the silence of early morning before human and animals awaken.

~the smell of a rose in bloom.

~the eyes of an elderly person I have connected with just the day before.

~a volunteered hug, kiss and "I love you, mama" from my children.

~the shopping trip I had taken, with money enough for the things we needed and a few just because items tucked in.

The amazing thing about this "Today" package is that it never seems to completely empty. Just when I come to the bottom of Today I think that's where the Life Favors (Grace ends). But I awaken the next morning...Ta Da! The Today package has been refilled. JOY! That is always the first token fresh and new every morning!

Sadly though, some days I arrive at the "Celebrate Life" party with my spirit so loaded down with burdens and cares that I can't enjoy the celebration. Often times I arrive at the celebration with my eyes only focused on World's burdens, care, fears, worries, doubts, anxieties, etc. I am blinded by the darkness. When I am given my "Life Favor" package I just casually toss it into my spirit sack
and never pay much attention to Today with the beautiful morning bow on the top.

But daily I am quietly accepting, joining in with other to Celebrate Life. I am practicing the art of joting those "Life Favors" I find daily in my package...there in my journal.

Today I am sharing with you a quote from the book, another Life Favor that I was joyfully surprised by. It's from this book:

"Celebrating abundance is the best antidote I know of for fear: fear that whispers there won't be enough for tomorrow, fear that hisses "things will never improve," fear that dominates and tortures, telling you that you're helpless and God has forgotten you. Don't believe it.

Start looking at what you already have. Start with basics like, "I'm still breathing." Make a game seeing how many positives there are in in your life. Then start counting the little things, the tiny joys a moment can bring. Open your eyes to see the wonder of the world you live in. I call this the "Abundance is..." game."
~Candy Paull

I hope you enjoy Candy Paull's book, website and blog. I pray you will join me at the Celebrating Life party...those Life Favors are truly priceless!

Walking Daily hand-in-hand with Grace

P.S. please if you see any mistakes in the above post, I beg for your kindness. I am struggling just to get these thoughts from here to there. I thank you in advance.